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Early Electronic Music at KC

During an unprecedented series of concerts organised by the Institute of Sonology (directed by Kees Tazelaar) in December 2016, I had the pleasure to project and perform three works by Karlheinz Stockhausen for the first time in my life.

The pieces I worked on were TELEMUSIK (1966) as sound projectionist, KONTAKTE (1960) as sound projectionist with Ellen Corver on piano and Wim Vos on percussion, and MIKROPHONIE I (1965) as filter "A" player.

The series of concerts included electronic pieces from Berio, Boerman, Boulez, Ferneyhough, Koenig, Lachenmann, Ligeti, Nono and Stockhausen.

Here are some pictures from rehearsals of those days:

For this performance of MIKROPHONIE the group consisted of Andrea Petracca and Antoine Josselin in percussion, Omer Eilam and Amir Bolzman in microphones, and Rob Strolenberg and myself in filters sitting in the middle of the audience.

Here we see a short video of Pepe García showing how to play in de Tam-Tam one of the initial sounds of MIKROPHONIE to percussionist Andrea Petracca.

KONTAKTE at the Arnold Schoenbergzaal in the Royal Conservatoire The Hague, with Ellen Corver (center), Wim Vos (right) and Juan Verdaguer (left)


Juan Verdaguer's signature

 ©2023 Juan Verdaguer

Photos by Juan Verdaguer, Guille Conte, Katie Clark and Janet Sinica

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